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2.1: Selective Schools and Holistic Admissions S2E1

2.1: Selective Schools and Holistic Admissions

· 27:32

We're back! Welcome back to the World of Higher Education, Season 2. In this episode, Alex Usher is joined by one of his favourite authors, Jeff Selingo, author of Who Gets in and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions. If you’re not American, listen hard to this podcast. Drink in all the weird details about the admissions process, and the amount of effort selective institutions put into identifying things which are not academic achievement but which are nevertheless similarly correlated to wealth and privilege. Have a listen.

Jeff Selingo, Who Gets in and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions

Related Past Podcast Episode:
WorldEd 1.18: Admissions, Affirmative Action, and SCOTUS

SPEC 2023:
The State of Postsecondary Education in Canada, 2023

View episode transcript

Creators and Guests

Alex Usher
Alex Usher
He/Him. President, Higher Education Strategy Associates
Jeff Selingo
Jeff Selingo
NYT bestselling author. Bylines: @NYTimes @NYMag @TheAtlantic @WSJ. Advisor, @ASU. Founder, @AcademyHigherEd. Editor, Next newsletter. Co-host, @futureupodcast.
Samantha Pufek
Samantha Pufek
She/Her. Graphic Designer, Higher Education Strategy Associates
Tiffany MacLennan
Tiffany MacLennan
She/Her. Research Associate, Higher Education Strategy Associates


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