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Students on the Frontlines: The Ongoing Protests in Serbia with Jim Dickinson S3E21

Students on the Frontlines: The Ongoing Protests in Serbia with Jim Dickinson

· 25:03

In this episode of the World of Higher Education podcast, host Alex Usher is joined by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe, to discuss the significant role of student movements in Serbian political history. The conversation covers the origins and growth of the current protests, spurred by a tragic incident at a railway station, and their impact on anti-corruption efforts and political change in the country. The episode explores the differences between official student unions and more radical, unofficial student movements, highlighting their influences on national politics, and assesses the future success prospects of these movements.

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Creators and Guests

Alex Usher
Alex Usher
He/Him. President, Higher Education Strategy Associates
Jim Dickinson
Jim Dickinson
A dynamic senior professional with over 20 years experience of leadership in student organisations & tertiary education, strategy & project management and policy development.
Samantha Pufek
Samantha Pufek
She/Her. Graphic Designer, Higher Education Strategy Associates
Tiffany MacLennan
Tiffany MacLennan
She/Her. Research Associate, Higher Education Strategy Associates


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